Make Windows 11 Look Like Windows 10


With the release of Windows 11, many users are excited about the new features and improvements. However, some users may prefer the familiar interface of Windows 10. In this article, we will explore how to make Windows 11 look like Windows 10.

Change the Start Menu

One of the most noticeable differences between Windows 11 and Windows 10 is the redesigned Start Menu. While the new Start Menu in Windows 11 offers a centered layout, you can change it to the left-aligned layout similar to Windows 10. To do this, right-click on the taskbar, go to “Taskbar settings,” and under “Taskbar behaviors,” select “Left” for the “Taskbar alignment” option.

Restore the Taskbar Icons

In Windows 11, the taskbar icons are centered by default. However, if you prefer the left-aligned icons from Windows 10, you can easily restore them. Right-click on the taskbar, go to “Taskbar settings,” and under “Taskbar behaviors,” select “Left” for the “Taskbar corner” option.

Bring Back the Live Tiles

In Windows 10, Live Tiles were a popular feature that allowed users to see dynamic updates on the Start Menu. Unfortunately, Windows 11 does not include Live Tiles. To bring back this feature, you can use third-party tools like “Open-Shell” or “Start10” which offer customizable Start Menu options, including the addition of Live Tiles.

Enable the Classic File Explorer

The File Explorer in Windows 11 has undergone significant changes compared to Windows 10. If you prefer the classic File Explorer layout, you can enable it with tools like “OldNewExplorer” or “Clover.” These tools allow you to customize the File Explorer interface and bring back the familiar look of Windows 10.


While Windows 11 brings exciting new features, some users may prefer the familiarity of Windows 10. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can transform the appearance of Windows 11 to resemble the look and feel of Windows 10. Whether it’s the Start Menu, taskbar icons, Live Tiles, or File Explorer, there are various customization options available to make Windows 11 feel more like home.

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